Athlete of the Week: Ruby Kuerschner

Photo Courtesy Darla Aaron of Classic Photo Napa

Ellie Gilbert

Senior Ruby Kuerschner’s fourth season of Terra Linda Volleyball with three years on Varsity. Throughout this season she has really stepped up and helped her team kill the competition. In the beginning of the season, Terra Linda won first place in the St. Helena Tournament and Ruby had impressive stats of 53 assists and 23 aces in her amazing performance. During Wednesday’s game against San Rafael, she aided her team in taming the bulldogs with 42 assists and 9 kills. At the Tamalpais Tournament, Ruby played amazingly with 14 kills, 5 aces, 21 digs, and 72 assists! 

Ruby expresses her joy for Volleyball by saying “I love playing volleyball because it’s such a team sport and I love connecting and playing with my teammates, especially because they’re such a big community and support system.” Being a part of that group is so important because it gives her a second family to lean on that makes playing the experience of practices and games all the more worth it.  Another reason Ruby loves playing volleyball so she can express her competitive side that wants to be the best she can. “I’m really competitive and I love being able to use that when I play.” 

Ruby is all about volleyball in fact one of her inspirations is watching college athletes play even while she’s doing her homework. Eventually, she also hopes to be one of the college athletes that she watches as she wants to continue her career throughout the next few years and maybe beyond. So for all the college players out there, look out for Ruby Kuerschner because she is competitive, talented, and ready to play.