As Marin County proceeds towards the 2024-2025 elections, residents from 11 incorporated cities submit their ballots to create local change. With a spread of 18 school districts and one Marin County Board of Education, there are many trustee positions up for grabs and each position is held for four years. The outcome of the election is likely to greatly impact several school districts in the county, including Tamalpais Union District, Miller Creek Elementary School District, Ross School District, and the Marin County Board of Education for areas one, four, and seven. The candidate for area one represents the City of Novato, while area four is Ross Valley, Kentfield, and parts of San Rafael. Area seven includes Bolinas, Stinson, Shoreline, Nicasio, Lagunitas, and a part of Novato. Board member and trustee Maureen de Nieva-Marsh remarks that her role in the position is to “approve budgets, and the only employee that we are responsible for is the hiring and evaluation process of a superintendent.”
Students attend school five days a week for approximately six to seven hours each day. They participate in classes, clubs, and sports. When there are changes made within the school, students and parents are aware if it immediately impacts them, but are unsure about who made those specific changes. That is why there is such importance in having positions for school district boards. A trustee for the San Rafael City Schools Board of Education and President of the board Lucia Martel-Dow remarks that the role of the board of education is to “have oversight over the strategies and budget in the priorities of school districts.” Martel-Dow then adds on “We make decisions that will have a lot of impact on students such as approving what resources and curriculum they have.” Electing members for these roles allows them to structure the educational system which impacts the curriculum standards, extracurricular activities, building maintenance, and the integration of technology use within classrooms. De Nieva-Marsh states that she spends approximately 10 hours a month at a minimum attending meetings and visiting schools in person. What community members don’t realize as well, is that these trustees are not always in a circumstance where they are being compensated for their work. This shows that these are people who care about making change in school systems, and are doing it because of their passion or commitment to the community.
Although national elections are important to participate in, when voters receive their ballot in the mail, it is crucial to become educated on the local candidates and send in a vote as these individuals are who will impact the local community everyday. According to the Marin County League of Women’s Voters, participating in local government elections allows individuals more power and greater influence. The ability to vote in your local elections allows voters the opportunity to impact change closer to home, often in a more direct and tangible way. Martel-Dow states that it is very important to vote in local elections because “People don’t realize that most of the things that affect them day to day are decided locally.”
With a variety of elections currently happening in Marin County, it is critical to submit your vote, as every vote counts. For the three school districts with seats up for election, these elected officials are the ones who are exceedingly important to help shape policies for the local schools to enhance the quality of education and to ensure the success of all students. Senior Victoria Pappas states “Local elections have a direct impact on the local community. It impacts the leadership and policies that directly affect voters who reside in the area, helps boost civic engagement and allows for diverse representation. If people vote locally, then they may be encouraged to vote nationally, as every vote matters.” Local issues that are impacting schools that voters could have a voice in revolve around AI, phone use, and safety.
While local elections are not advertised on television or posted all over social media, the outcome can directly impact everyday life close to home. With each ballot that is submitted in this upcoming local election, voters are taking a meaningful step toward creating change within the community.