TL Geotag

This is Terra Linda High School’s Snapchat geotag created by Zoe Mariotti.
When students opened their phones on September 9th and went on Snapchat, they discovered a new Terra Linda High School geotag. According to Google a geotag is “an electronic tag that assigns a geographical location to a photograph or video.” In other words, it’s the little icon on Snapchat that shows the current location. Students have had overwhelmingly positive responses to the new geotag. Students are excited about being able to represent TL through social media. Junior Arielle Miranda says, “I use it all the time to show my school spirit.”
Our awesome Terra Linda geotag is due to the credit of Zoe Mariotti. She wanted to make this happen because “we have so many cool Marin geotags and other schools have them so I wanted to make one for TL.” To start, Mariotti made the logo using Adobe Photoshop. She then went on to the Snapchat website, adjusted the dimensions and the level of transparency, and submitted the geotag. Then the waiting began. A month went by, and Mariotti still had not heard back from Snapchat. “I had kind of given up on thinking it was going to make it.” Then finally, she got the email. She says, “When I got the email, I was in my bedroom on my phone and I squealed and my mom came running and she thought I was hurt or something.” Not many people know it was Mariotti who actually made this happen, so we all have her to thank for our new TL geotag.