iMatter. This is a phrase that often incites confidence and power. It is also the name of an organization whose mission is to give students all over the continent a tool to create change. This is not a teacher giving you an assignment or a couple environmentalists asking for money, this is students choosing to take the lead. iMatter was founded by Alec Loorz in 2007 when he was 13 years old with the idea that it would give kids the power to join the environmental movement. How it works is anyone who is interested can go to and sign the petition. From there you will be given the support and mentorship to begin a movement in your town. You have access to other people who have signed the petition all across the United States and Canada. Success stories end in a gathering of teens to City Council presenting their ideas and directly asking their board members to implement their plan to help the city improve their climate report card. A climate report card is basically a report card on how well any one city or town is doing to bring down their greenhouse gas emissions.
So why has iMatter made it’s way into the Terra Linda Newspaper? A group of MSEL sophomores have chosen a LEAD Project where they were tasked with creating a climate report card for San Rafael and presenting it to our city council. You may ask; “Why should I care?” You have the ability to help them achieve their goal. Go to and sign the petition (mentioning TL’s name).
What do these sophomores say about iMatter? Sophomore Myla Gupta describes how “iMatter is different [from other environmental organizations] because it focuses on youth involvement in finding solutions to climate change.” Furthermore, helping the environment is available to young people of any age who wish to make a change in their community. Gupta also comments that “There are countless ways to help the environment, especially simple home changes like composting and recycling, switching to more efficient lights and appliances, getting involved with a bigger organization…” “If you have an idea, any idea, any crazy, wild idea then come in and we’ll make it happen” says sophomore Ana Ostrovsky about green team. Green Team is a place where anything can happen. Wednesdays at lunch in Mr. Tow’s room is just another opportunity for anyone to help the environment. Ostrovsky is one of the sophomores in the LEAD Project working with iMatter this semester. All of these things can help the environment but the most valuable addition to the climate change movement is your support. The group has already presented to city council concerning San Rafael’s climate report card and is waiting for their verdict. They will make a second presentation to city council soon so sign the petition online at to find out when it is!